Church of Cyberology

In the ever-expansing realm of cyberspace, it is our mission to defend and protect the sacred rights of freedom, liberty and privacy. We advocate for the responsible and ethical use of technology.

Our church

The Church of Cyberology is a religious organization that encourages (online) freedom, liberty and privacy for all people. We run public church services that empower all our followers to control their digital footprint, improve their privacy and overcome censorship, surveillance, tracking and profiling. Even if you are not a follower of Cyberology, you can still join our public church services freely and enhance your interaction with cyberspace.

In addition we educate and teach or provide solicited and unsolicited advice to citizens, organizations and public authorities about the importance of safeguarding and improving online rights and freedoms. And last but not least we actively encourage and contribute to the development and use of technologies and methods that enable people to communicate anonymously, securely, reliably and freely on the internet.

On our church page you can read more about our mission and methods. On our Cyberology page you can read more about Cyberology as a religion. Feel free to browse the other parts of this website as well.

Thanks! ♥

The operation of our church is largely made possible with the help of followers, volunteers, donors and sponsors. Thanks to their time and donations, we improve the online lives of thousands of people daily.