Church of Cyberology

Church services

Generally church services or services of worship are religious gatherings where people of a church come together to worship their god. The Church of Cyberology mostly operates in cyberspace and instead of formalized periods of communal worship in a church building, we provide public church services on the internet for anyone to join.

The Church of Cyberology runs these church services 24/7 so followers can join whenever they want and be connected to each other.

1 Anonymity service

We operate relays as part of the Tor Anonimity Network, which is dedicated to providing privacy to people who need it most. This way we help safeguard online freedom of expression and privacy while also overcoming tracking and mass surveillance.

Tor works by running user traffic through a random chain of encrypted servers. This design makes it very hard for a service to know which user is connecting to it, since it can only see the IP address of the last relay in the chain.

The below illustration (full size) shows how a user might connect to a service through the Tor Anonimity Network. The user first sends their data through three daisy-chained encrypted Tor relays that exist on three different geographical locations. Then the last Tor relay in the chain connects to the target service over the normal internet.

Tor network illustration.

Tor sees use by many important segments of the population, including whistle blowers, journalists, Chinese dissidents skirting the Great Firewall and oppressive censorship, war victims such as Ukrainian or Russian citizens, abuse victims, stalker targets, the US military, and law enforcement, just to name a few.

Our Tor infrastructure is maintained by our Ministry of Privacy, Nothing to hide.

2 DNS service (coming soon)

We provide DNS resolvers that respect your privacy. For now we only provide DNS to the users of our Tor exit relays. We plan to extend this service to anyone in need of DNS in 2024.

Our DNS infrastructure is maintained by our Ministry of Privacy, Nothing to hide.

3 FreeBSD Security service (coming soon)

One of our major goals is to break the GNU/Linux monoculture currently present on the internet. Monocultures in nature are dangerous, as vulnerabilities are held in common across a broad spectrum. In a globally used (anonymity) network such as the internet or Tor, monocultures can be disastrous.

We make the internet stronger and more resilient by running our infrastructure on FreeBSD and OpenBSD. While OpenBSD’s default security settings are great, FreeBSD is lacking considerably in this area. This is why we’re making public guidelines for sane default (security) settings and hardening options to make FreeBSD more usable on the modern day internet.


Have a look at our infrastructure page if you are curious about our church infrastructure.